Khenpo Sonam Nyima Rinpoche 堪布索南尼瑪仁波切 H. H. Penor Rinpoche 贝诺法王 H. H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 噶玛古钦法王 H.H Pema Norbu Yangsi 贝诺杨思法王 Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche 堪千贝玛谢绕仁波切 Terton Mingyur Dorje 大伏藏师 明珠多杰
1st Throneholder 第一任白玉寺寺主

Rigzin Kunzang Sherab 仁增昆桑喜热

2nd Throneholder 第二任白玉寺寺主

Padma Lhundrub Gyatso 贝玛伦珠佳措

3rd Throneholder 第三任白玉寺寺主

Drubwang Padma Norbu 竹旺贝玛诺布

1st HH Penor 一世 贝诺法王
4th Throneholder 第四任白玉寺寺主

Karma Chophel Zangpo 噶玛曲培桑布

1st HH Karma Kuchen 一世 噶玛古钦法王
5th Throneholder 第五任白玉寺寺主

Drenchog Karma Lhawang 噶玛拉旺

6th Throneholder 第六任白玉寺寺主

Gyurme Ngedon Tenzin 久美涅敦丹增

2nd HH Karma Kuchen 二世 噶玛古钦法王
7th Throneholder 第七任白玉寺寺主

Padma Dongag Tenzin 贝玛埵昂丹增

Gyatrul Rinpoche 嘉楚仁波切
8th Throneholder 第八任白玉寺寺主

Dongag Choekyi Nyima 埵昂确吉尼玛

3rd HH Karma Kuchen 三世 噶玛古钦法王
9th Throneholder 第九任白玉寺寺主

Rigzin Palchen Dupa 仁增巴钦杜巴

2nd HH Penor 二世 贝诺法王
10th Throneholder 第十任白玉寺寺主

Karma Thegchog Nyingpo 噶玛贴却宁波

4th HH Karma Kuchen 四世 噶玛古钦法王
11th Throneholder 第十一任白玉寺寺主

Jigmed Thubten Shedrub Choekyi Drayang 晋美图滇谢祝却吉札杨

3rd HH Penor 三世 贝诺法王
12th Throneholder 第十二任白玉寺寺主

Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 噶玛古钦法王

5th HH Karma Kuchen 五世 噶玛古钦法王

5th Throneholder -Drenchog Karma Lhawang Rinpoche 第五任白玉寺寺主 - 噶玛拉旺

This biography of His Holiness is from the official website of the Palyul Lineage, 本传记来自白玉台湾传承官方网站,

尊者噶瑪拉旺(Karma Lhawang)是持明昆桑謝拉的侄子。尊者自幼就展現他對自性的體悟及道上成就的徵兆。尊者早年的暱稱為阿貝喇嘛,住在昆桑謝拉生前居住的宗南山山頂上,由尊者的根本上師噶瑪札西((Karma Tashi)傳授白玉傳承之教法,上師噶瑪札西傳予尊者所有無上瑜珈密的教傳(Kama),包括摩訶瑜珈、阿努瑜珈及阿底瑜珈,「噶傑」和「恭督」的巖傳(Kagyed and Gongdu Termas),以及所有白玉傳承之修法。之後尊者成為白玉寺的第五任寺主,並給予眾多的弟子灌頂及口傳。


此時,白玉祖寺急需有人負責管理寺務及處理行政事務,之後由噶瑪札西的兩位姪子,一位是證悟之修行者阿陝(Ah Sam),另一位是喇嘛汪秋(Lama Wangchug)。而主持寺務、給予灌頂、口傳與傳法的繼任者則由噶瑪札西的另一位弟子噶瑪敦丹(Karma Dondam)擔任。噶瑪敦丹從上師噶瑪札西接受了所有的教法,尤其是無二「大手印」與「大圓滿無上瑜珈」結合之修法,藉由禪定的修持,噶瑪敦丹獲得殊勝的證悟而成為一位覺悟者(togden)。


當敏珠林寺的法座持有者羅登仁波切(Lhoden Rinpoche)造訪白玉祖寺時,尊者從羅登仁波切接受了「幻現寂忿修持儀軌」。由於尊者認為此修持儀軌非常重要,便請求此教法能廣傳於其他弟子,也因此在白傳承的教法上種下「寧瑪巴教傳成就修持」的種子。

噶瑪敦丹尊者在具有知曉他人心思之能力,並能預知未來之事。在一珍貴的法藥目錄上,尊者一百零三歲的頭髮也在其中。偉大的囊果丘措仁波切(Rago Chogtrul Rinpoche)曾言,這表示尊者實際的壽命是遠超越人們所認知。

Karma Lhawang was born into the ancestral heritage of the Vidyadhara Kunzang Sherab. As a child, he awakened his pure awareness Mahayana nature and displayed signs of accomplishment on the path. From his guru, the First Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, Karma Tashi, he received all the transmissions for the kama lineage of the Maha, Anu and Ati Yogas, the Kagyed and Gongdu Termas and every essential transmission practiced in the Palyul tradition.

Because Karma Lhawang’s principal interest lay in uncontrived practice, he was relatively unconcerned with the details and responsibilities involved in the running of a monastery, caring for a large entourage of disciples and the general maintenance of the surroundings. Spending most of his time in solitary retreat, he continuously manifested miracles, the sign of having mingled his mind with the true nature of appearance. In addition, he possessed the omniscience of unblocked perception into the minds of others. When the enlightened activities of his lifetime were complete, Karma Lhawang passed beyond this world.

The first Karma Kuchen Rinpoche’s direct disciple, Karma Döndam of Pelwar, took over the spiritual responsbilities of upholding and increasing the lineages of empowerments, transmission and commentaries. He was particularly diligent in the practice of the Non-dual Great Seal Mahamudra Great Prefection Dzogchen Ati Yoga. The life story of this lama is rich with inspiring accounts of his everyday conduct. As a great renunciate, he disassociated himself from ordinary concerns and activities. Even the fense surrounding his humble dwelling was made of piles of leaves that scattered with a strong wind. There were countless occastions that Karma Döndam read the minds of others and accurately predicted future events. In a precious dharma medicine table of contents, some of his hair, taken when he was 103 years old, is included as a sacred substance.