Khenpo Sonam Nyima Rinpoche 堪布索南尼瑪仁波切 H. H. Penor Rinpoche 贝诺法王 H. H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 噶玛古钦法王 H.H Pema Norbu Yangsi 贝诺杨思法王 Khenchen Pema Sherab Rinpoche 堪千贝玛谢绕仁波切 Terton Mingyur Dorje 大伏藏师 明珠多杰
1st Throneholder 第一任白玉寺寺主

Rigzin Kunzang Sherab 仁增昆桑喜热

2nd Throneholder 第二任白玉寺寺主

Padma Lhundrub Gyatso 贝玛伦珠佳措

3rd Throneholder 第三任白玉寺寺主

Drubwang Padma Norbu 竹旺贝玛诺布

1st HH Penor 一世 贝诺法王
4th Throneholder 第四任白玉寺寺主

Karma Chophel Zangpo 噶玛曲培桑布

1st HH Karma Kuchen 一世 噶玛古钦法王
5th Throneholder 第五任白玉寺寺主

Drenchog Karma Lhawang 噶玛拉旺

6th Throneholder 第六任白玉寺寺主

Gyurme Ngedon Tenzin 久美涅敦丹增

2nd HH Karma Kuchen 二世 噶玛古钦法王
7th Throneholder 第七任白玉寺寺主

Padma Dongag Tenzin 贝玛埵昂丹增

Gyatrul Rinpoche 嘉楚仁波切
8th Throneholder 第八任白玉寺寺主

Dongag Choekyi Nyima 埵昂确吉尼玛

3rd HH Karma Kuchen 三世 噶玛古钦法王
9th Throneholder 第九任白玉寺寺主

Rigzin Palchen Dupa 仁增巴钦杜巴

2nd HH Penor 二世 贝诺法王
10th Throneholder 第十任白玉寺寺主

Karma Thegchog Nyingpo 噶玛贴却宁波

4th HH Karma Kuchen 四世 噶玛古钦法王
11th Throneholder 第十一任白玉寺寺主

Jigmed Thubten Shedrub Choekyi Drayang 晋美图滇谢祝却吉札杨

3rd HH Penor 三世 贝诺法王
12th Throneholder 第十二任白玉寺寺主

Karma Kuchen Rinpoche 噶玛古钦法王

5th HH Karma Kuchen 五世 噶玛古钦法王

7th Throneholder - Padma Dongag Tenzin Rinpoche 第七任白玉寺寺主 - 贝玛埵昂丹增

Gyatrul Rinpoche 嘉楚仁波切

This biography of His Holiness is from the official website of the Palyul Lineage, 本传记来自白玉台湾传承官方网站,

嘉措仁波切在西元1830年,藏曆鐵虎年,誕生於塔科噶卡村莊中一位中國大臣的家族裏。他的誕生是由桑吉林巴(Sangngag Lingpa)所預言。尊者自從年輕時便具有不凡的跡象顯示他是持明昆桑謝拉的轉世。

尊者能記得過去生中昆桑謝拉在世的情況,也能正確的描述白玉寺過去的樣貌。尊者於10 歲時,從上師桑傑耶喜(Sangye Yeshe)接受天法四加行的修法,兩年以後,尊者被接到白玉寺並舉行坐床大典。

年輕的嘉措仁波切從他的上師——第六世白玉寺寺主噶瑪久美接受了白玉傳承所有教傳及伏藏的教法,之後尊者以三年的時間跟隨大伏藏師惹那林巴(Ratna Lingpa's)修持「三身成就法」。尊者也曾在八蚌寺的閉關中心以二年的時間跟隨蔣貢康楚仁波切(Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye)學習梵文、詩歌以及文學,之後並從蔣貢康楚仁波切接受了「大寶伏藏」(Rinchen Terzod)等教法及灌頂。

尊者也從蔣揚欽哲旺波(Jamyang Khentse Wangpo)得到「龍欽寧體」、「意伏藏(Yonten Dzod)」之傳承,以及兩大菩提心修行之傳承教法——文殊師利菩薩所傳之「甚深見」傳承,及彌勒菩薩傳下之「廣大行」傳承。





In 1830, the fourteenth rabjung year of Iron Tiger, Gyatrul Rinpoche was born into the royal heritage of the Chinese emperor’s minister, in Tsakho Gyakha Bhoto village of Gyalmo Tsawai-rong.

At the time of his birth, there were many astonishing signs and, as a child, he displayed unusual signs of having awakened his innate pure awareness. While at play with other children, he would hold his vital air and, barefooted, balance himself on the point of a sharp knife. By receiving just one simple gesture, he would comprehend reading, writing and all subjects, as though he never forgot what he had learned in previous lifetimes.

He could also clearly recalled his past lifetimes as Rongton Shung-gya Shakya Gyaltsen and Kunzang Sherab, remembering also the area of Sangphu Neu Thong, where he had previously lived, the exact layout of the Palyul monastery, past events that had occurred there and other additional information. It was clear that the dharma protectors were watching over him and in particular, he was constantly assisted in the accomplishment of miraculous activities by Ekartsati, the principal female protector of the Secret Mantra.

Through the strength of his contemplation and the blessings bestowed by the meditational deities, Gyatrul Rinpoche clearly understood the meaning of all of these precious dharma scriptures and was able to ascertain the sutras and tantras by memory, as an exhaustless source of wisdom. Advancing his meditative experience in the generation, completion and Great Perfection stages, he manifested the pure qualities and signs of true accomplishment.

In 1891, at the age of sixty-two, on the twenty-second day of the fifth month, with all the signs of having reached the highest stages on the path to liberation, Gyatrul Rinpoche passed beyond this world.